a salute to the real fighter

I waswatching news channel and i found one of the best interviews being telecast-ed .it was an interview with Arunima Sinha . you might wonder who she is . she is the woman who  climbed mount Everest . we might think she is definitely not the first one . yes . but rest were not amputee. (i don’t want to say this ) she lost her leg few years back . and she was so shattered initially . but her strong desire to live her dreams made her reach this height.

she was pushed from the running train. i was shocked hearing this . but the courage and the resilience she had was mind blowing .

she had to do mountaineering where temperature drops to -60 , you start loosing touch with the reality , you cannot drag yourself up and its hard to breathe. imagine the situation she was in.climbing and reaching the summit was a personal challenge too for her.

the worst part was she saw people dying . and nothing could be done so save , you just have to sit down with them in their last minute and hear what they have to say . its horrible and terrifying experience. her oxygen supply was also less but she was determined . she also says decision making was very important skill she learnt because the situation and the weather condition lets you in human moral dilemmas often .

a big salute to her . the way she believed in self when no one did and proved herself was incredible . i feel proud that she is also from INDIA.

recently her autobiography is released its called “born again on mountains” i will definitely read it . and i suggest this to all my fellow bloggers too.

Author: theonlysup

Self Motivated. Optimistic , Resilient . Sometimes emotional, most of the Time Happy :)

25 thoughts on “a salute to the real fighter”

  1. A very inspiring write up. I was absolutely impressed when I saw Anurima Sinha receiving an award. Instead of pitying herself she scaled new heights and how ! Those who do such heinous acts should hang their head in shame.

    1. Somali .when life throws you in such situation See them as opportunities and chances to grow and develop further. is what i believe . people like you are source of inspiration to us .

  2. Supreet,
    Thank you for sharing this post. Arunima Sinha is indeed the pride of our country and a mentor to the entire human community. She is that woman who fought against her fate to transform her inability to her greatest strength and conquer the invincible. We bow down before her for her strength and resilience.

    1. thanks yashika for ur insights . have more energy, confidence and zest for life. yes i wish i could meet her and tell her how she inspired me and million lives around the world.

    1. Thank you so much for reading and giving me ur opinion. im happy of that inspires you .Start off your day everyday by affirming aloud your commitment. Women can do anything if she has that will power

  3. Supreet, thank you for the inspiring post and hats off to Arunima Sinha, I am reminded of a Persian proverb that goes: “I cried because I had no shoes, then one day I met a man who had no feet”. I keep grumbling about little things which with great effort learning to control. Enjoy your Sunday, Supreet.

  4. I am standing in awe and highest respect for people like her. Most of all because they are an extreme example that 1. everything is possible you set your mind to and 2. you can make something of everything. There are so many examples of people who gain their biggest power and success right because of their disabilities or limits. It seems they only live to overcome it – the purpose of their lives. Wonderful story and thank you for sharing. I hope that in encourages others to go for their visions, dreams, and goals.

      1. It simply depends on the decision if you let break you or make you. To me the greatest breakthrough is this insight, anything else results of it.

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