Sponge Bob Squarepants and his message

Does anyone watch cartoons here ? if yes does anyone know about SpongeBob SquarePants ?/

i love that character. he is one of a kind . jovial, optimistic and very friendly in nature .

when i say one of a kind , i mean he is proud to be who he is , he love his job, his unique qualities .

when we see world best Entrepreneurs,best Actors, best Sportsmen . how did they become what they are today .

they knew a simple rule

“Do not Give up on your Dreams , just be follow the crowd”  

Now you can be the best in what you do . you just have to have crystal clear dreams and zeal to achieve your aspirations .

you don’t have to do what rest of mass does. you are designed to be unique , possess and develop your unique skills and optimistically forge ahead towards your dream destination

and yeah be like SpongeBob .. Go watch .

now this completes my 2nd day challenge of Quotes . but yeah i loved sharing this quote with you folk .

Is your Goal SMART?

I have been discussing with people enough about the savings/ investing. People also have realized why it is important.
After all, why are we working so hard? To fulfill our bigger dreams. Isn’t it?
All right, somehow reluctantly people said OK to save some money out of their salary but ever wondered,
is our current savings enough to fulfill our dreams? If not, why? (I know we dint get enough hike). It’s just lack of systematic goal setting
Is your goal SMART Enough (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely)?

I recently met an old friend who earns 15k per month and wants to own a 3BHK flat in Bangalore in 3 yrs.
I asked him how much have you saved until now, for which he answered 10k in 2 yrs.
The very first thought, which came into my mind, is how he is going to achieve it.
Instance 2)
I also met a lady who says she wants she wants 800,000 for her child’s education.in next 10 yrs.
She has been earning 35k/month and saving 10k per month.
I appreciated her efforts. Moreover, I wished her good luck.
Do you see the difference? It is all about how clear are they about their goals, and how systematic the woman is.
I know people complain of having lack of time and patience for this. However, somewhere I read
over pessimism will kill your present & over optimism will kill your future.

The true Leaders

It was wonderful evening I spent with the people who are truely amazing . their thoughts , their action plans were spectacularly incredible.
They are housewives , students but still women who have recognized their potential within and have taken a step ahead to make a difference. To be a leader in their own role. Let me share some if their fantastic visions.
Vijaylakshmi. Who has taken initiatives to clean e-waste and recycling of those.
My aunt Rajeshwari who has started her own yoga classes.
Priyal ostwal who is an MBA graduate has an incredible passion for paintings has her own art firm .
Shikha who has started her own art gallery .
These are the people who believe in making their dreams turn into reality.
They have 1 thing which they have recognized within themselves which they are expert in and have mastered it.

This left me truly inspired . It would be unfair if I don’t appreciate the efforts of khushbu , C.A by profession and deepali an active leader from Deshpande foundation ,in mentoring, coordinating the wonderful event of rewarding these talents .
Finally I apologize I don’t remember few names but still I congratulate them.

I leave you readers with this beautiful thought by Robin sharma.
ideation without execution is just a delution


Unaccomplished things !!

we all have unfinished tasks in life , something w wished to do but weren’t able to do it.

well i don’t mean meeting your organization’s objective specifically. but something beyond that .The Love you wanted to express it to your loved ones , the lives you wanted to inspire, The Dream you wanted to achieve, the places you wanted to visit. so on.. and so forth..

But the Question is what holds us back from completing that task . some variable Probably .

well with few people to whom asked these question had 3 solid reasons they identified for themselves.

a)Procrastinate things : they are occupied with 100 different things and at end of the day they sleep by thinking “I Will finish this tomorrow ” or may be they have grown lazy and are disinterested . or due to Pressurized work environment.

i like the thing what Walt disney said “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

b)they take things for Granted : Either they think it’s OK if they don’t say “I love you “,don’t write their Goals , don’t like to collect information or  wait for something to happen by itself .

i believe A small step toward your goals might a make a big difference .so never take these small things for granted .

It’s human nature to start taking things for granted again when danger isn’t banging loudly on the door.
David Hackworth

c) They Just Dream: My dad used to say “Don’t Just dream. Make it happen ” don’t keep watching people create wonders .Create it.”

what ever might be the reason .when we are old  and look back at the things we did and did not ,and Realise and say that “i wish i would have said what he/she means to me” , “i wish i ha gone to that place , i wish i had taken that risk my life would have been better” “i wish i had appreciated/Motivated ” its an ugly feeling that prevails, isn’t it?







Your self- worth

Have you ever been called “useless, worthless, and incompetent”? And do you think is it true when someone tell you that?

Fact is that it doesn’t matter what people think of you but what you think who you are is what matters.

Buddha once said “All that we are is result of what we have thought”.

If we love and respect ourselves naturally we learn to love others. There are many situations when people thought me as incompetent when I left my engineering. I was angry, sad and frustrated.

But my dreams, convictions were so strong that I channelized my anger in a proper way. Even though initially I was the only one who believed in me I kept moving. I was heard Shiv khera said “winners recognize their limitations but focus on their strengths”

But what happens to our self-esteem when someone says we are worthless creature on the earth.

We feel disrespected. If someone hurt my self-respect I will never feel like speaking to them .but more important is – are we considering ourselves worthy? Yes. Here is what I did. I took a small piece of paper. I wrote my 5 limitations of left hand side and 5 positive point of right hand side. I useto call it I-pad(Idea Pad).It took me 2 days to analyze it perfectly. Now my aim was clearer. Transform 5 limitations into strengths and improve my positive traits. Now I don’t need to prove it to anyone for my results speak for themselves.


 I leave you with nice quote

Trust yourself. Create the kind of life you will be as happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into the flames of achievement – Robin Sharma 



I had a very nice Conversation with a friend who says People like Steve Jobs , Bill Gates etc are gifted. They have a gifted brain and that’s how they had an excellent life , a successful life.

Well , I believe “the harder you work the luckier you get”. The great Visionaries like Steve Jobs Focused on their dreams. They were passionate about what they do. And they mastered their skills.
They weren’t successful overnight. They Practiced. It took them months and years to be the best in what they do.
Because a life of mediocrity is a result of being negligent about your dreams, many a times.
A life of excellence is a result of tiny daily wins and learning and practicing your skills each day.
Mr. Shiv khera (author of You Can win) once said
You sow a thought you reap an action.
You sow an action you reap a habit
You sow a habit you reap a character
And when you sow a character you reap your destiny.

Victims always find a reason to say “it can’t be done”. Leaders always  find the possibilities to make things happen.

But victims ignore it, procrastinate things and leaders keep doing it and move towards the goal.

knowing what you really want ,loving what you do to reach those aspiration. learning new things in the field of your interest ,and focus is all what it takes to reach pinnacle.

Finally I conclude by saying thing which i heard -> “ If you want to achieve what 5% of people want to achieve . you should be willing to do what 5% of people were willing to do”