Sponge Bob Squarepants and his message

Does anyone watch cartoons here ? if yes does anyone know about SpongeBob SquarePants ?/

i love that character. he is one of a kind . jovial, optimistic and very friendly in nature .

when i say one of a kind , i mean he is proud to be who he is , he love his job, his unique qualities .

when we see world best Entrepreneurs,best Actors, best Sportsmen . how did they become what they are today .

they knew a simple rule

“Do not Give up on your Dreams , just be follow the crowd”  

Now you can be the best in what you do . you just have to have crystal clear dreams and zeal to achieve your aspirations .

you don’t have to do what rest of mass does. you are designed to be unique , possess and develop your unique skills and optimistically forge ahead towards your dream destination

and yeah be like SpongeBob .. Go watch .

now this completes my 2nd day challenge of Quotes . but yeah i loved sharing this quote with you folk .


Its been almost a week and few really good things happening around . one of them is that many of my school friends have suddenly appeared in my Phone Contacts. and they have ensured that every bit of old memories are cherished .

WhatsApp is such a crazy thing.1 hr u go for a meeting and 150 conversations pops in. and these are my old pals sharing their  craziest stuffs happened during schooldays . it’s been nearly 15+ years since i met them.. but each of them remember me . that’s commendable now. 🙂

whatsApp is such a crowd puller. amazing

Thanks to Maithri who created the group. i don’t even know if she reads this . but yeah. few people are so humble and down to earth.

she is one of them.

Thanks to Suraj for sharing pics . he is one friend with whom i had spent memorable  school days . be  it sports , bird watching ;), or studies , having fun,dance

Satish got married & has become little extra responsible guy now.. i had been to his marriage . but the fact is he dint forget to invite me

Sonu is still a little Japanese Doll(That’s what i Call her)

sridhar settled in Switz with lot of money in swiss bank . i remember we used to go home together from school.

Tejesh,Manoj,Ajay and others.. Thanks for being in touch no matter what.

My friend said the distance, lack of words, fights, or busyness doesn’t limit you. If you really want to express your love to someone, you will find a way.(@sai_Ki_Bitiya) how true

Guys you are all rock-stars. Keep in touch.wish to meet you all soon



Its Your Life.Face it. Don’t Facebook it

Few days back, I was interacting with group of college students and I was asked why I don’t have a Facebook account.

For me Facebook is very much a virtual world.i’m not sure how many people turn out to your real good friend in reality. They might like your  every wall status. In reality they might not accept your perceptions , your uniqueness, your whole damn thought Process.

Possibly  when you require a shoulder to lye and cry on, they may send an e-shoulder. 😉

I have observed people update what every single little thing they do, on facebook wall. (I ate goddamn upma, I’m goin to bathroom, I’m thinking of white polar bear, m wearing new dress.. and what not..)

instead I prefer sitting and talking to famly members . planning my goals . reading a book .Invest in self development. call friends and  meet up .

how many of us have taken time to appreciate our loved ones and thank nature and life for whatever good things happened Ii always say people stop proclaiming your love for ur mom ur dad on your status updates . get off from facebook and go give her a hug and take her out. make her feel valued.

OK it might be a fun poking each other virtually whole day on facebook.. but are we learning anything from this? its just eating people Productive time.Remember victims like leisure , leaders love learning. victims love entertainment, leaders love educating

its so crazy but true that for some people if they have no social network profile then  they are non existent.

No, I don’t hate facebook. people have found friends.

It can act as a great tool for Promoting business , Product , services to consumers  .recently I read an article which say facebook maintains 1800 MysQL DB servers with just 2 DBAs. so incredible

 its just how addictive  and some times self destructive social networking sites could be is a concern.

GR8 Source of Happiness


There are few things i believe would definitely make ur day memorable.
meeting a good old friend.. or exploring 1000 things in life with a very nice friend after a long time is one of them.
we talk, we share ,we laugh,we care and remember all those moment spent together and it gives lots of happiness and relief.
we have few people around us with whom we may be emotionally attached , seek guidance , and we hope not to loose them forever..
Probably due to uncertainties of life we may get a little drifted away from our very good friends but then, when they reappear just when u were thinking “wish he/she was here” with you and all u want to do is hold them and share your heart out, it will definitely be a cherish-able moment and inexpressible moment.
but then don’t forget to show gratitude and appreciation for all the good things they did for u
be kind enough to them , understand them and i’m sure you will feel connected and make u feel more blissful.