you are what you think you can

recently i was watching a documentary on Stephen Hawking .(you know who he is ). what an amazing person he is.

he cannot speak . he cannot walk . but still he went on to become the famous scientist.

he even declared god doesn’t exist and heaven is a fairy tale . which became one of the trending , biggest controversies .

Ok my point here is not to discuss on existence of God. but on the amazing beliefs he has which made him what he is now

“In my opinion, there is no aspect of reality beyond the reach of the human mind.” -Stephen Hawking

we all need to believe that we have an incredible potential inside to explore the most amazing things in the world. to become the master in your profession. to live the dreams you aspired and contribute the best you can to the mankind .

Author: theonlysup

Self Motivated. Optimistic , Resilient . Sometimes emotional, most of the Time Happy :)

87 thoughts on “you are what you think you can”

  1. He is one great inspiration. People, completely healthy, cannot dream to do what he keeps on stretching upon. Commendable, he is!

  2. Very inspiring post. A word on what Bhavpreet has said about flying. Of course, we all can fly. Many people fly in planes everyday; and some fly planes and other aircrafts. Then there is the figurative flying, which means doing marvels. We have to admit that there are things that humanly possible and others that are not.When we say there is nothing we cannot do, we are talking of things that are humanly possible. Otherwise, there are millions of things no human being can do. Again let me say your post is a very great one; and I like it.

    1. Thank you sir. Yes their might be things that seem impossible. For now. But every invention was nothing before someone tried working on it. So that’s what I was focusing on. Ur comments are valuable

      1. You’re most welcome 🙂 I was pretty busy before (I am still busy actually), but don’t worry I will never forget you and your amazing blog 😉

  3. He is such an inspiring soul and I’m really looking forward to his new research about the existence of Aliens. He himself is a miracle and I’m sure that he is very much alive and healthy to bring light to hidden mysteries of life and beyond. Every positivity be with him.
    Thank you so much for posting this little and inspiring note about him and reminding us about this amazing human being.

  4. Just wanted to star by saying that the new profile photo is awesome. Like always you are always looking for the moral of the story. What can I learn from this and how can I apply it to my life for the betterment of all. Well done.

  5. It’s incredible to find how someone can be blessed with such an immense amount of talent; Stephen Hawking is truly a genius! If you are willing to know more about his personal life, I would suggest you to watch the movie ‘The Theory of Everything’- a movie that focused more on his life than on the theories that he mesmerized the world with. Anyhow, as always, it’s a pleasure to read your blogs 🙂

  6. He is such an inspiring man. Even if you have nothing, if you have something to live for, life is worth it. For him, it is his curiosity and his love for science.

    Thats why I believe, we should keep trying to find what is best for us which will help us to grow and which will help us to find our true potentials.

    Also,I feel that distractions are somewhere the major reasons behind our drawbacks. The people who lack something, they lack the will to distract themselves and hence, they succeed.

    1. Thanks preeti for this beautiful insight. Yeah passion for something u love will take u to pinnacle . yeah distraction are always there. inevitable. But one who puts persistent efforts besides this will succeed. Thank u so much lovely reader.

  7. I agree we all have the potential to better ourselves and be the best of what we can be. But can we truly become the best in the industry just by wishing? I mean there has to be something about inert talent, practice and devotion. Most of these successful people not only had a vision, talent but they started working at it so young. They were literally bred to be good at what they are from the time they were toddlers!

    1. U r missing the bottom line. I believe the harder u work the luckier u get. Its not just wish u have to put daily tiny effort to accomplish bigger dreams . for that u will have to recognize ur potential and believe the power within to achieve.

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